Dave Jacka


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Meet Dave

“My mission – show that limitations can be overcome when you Do It Differently.” Dave Jacka

Breaking his neck at 19 was never going to stop Dave Jacka live life to the full. With just 6% physical function he’s a master of engineering his adventures and environment to suit his disability, by doing it differently.

His achievements include:

  • First person with quadriplegia to fly solo around Australia
  • First person with quadriplegia to fly solo a microlight trike
  • First person with quadriplegia to paddle a kayak 2,226 km down the Murray River from Lake Hume to the sea
  • Represented Australia in the 1996 Paralympic Games

Dave’s motivational talks highlight how Dave has achieved what he has – through the power of goal setting, strategies to overcoming challenges, dealing with change & more.

For his achievements, Dave was a Victorian Australian of the Year finalist (2014) and was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (2015) for his contribution to people with a disability through sport.


See Dave in the media