Dave Jacka


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Hot, hot, hot, damn hot!

As I write this blog, I’m still recovering from one of the hottest days I’ve experienced flying. Imagine being put into an oven and being roasted alive – well, that is exactly what I felt like today in the cockpit.

We left Portland in the morning with strong winds which made our flight to Goolwa (SA) very slow. Our touchdown was like being on a rollercoaster as I was challenged to keep the aircraft straight down the runway due to the extreme hot conditions. The temperature on the ground was 52 degrees on the runway. I’m so grateful for the OWC support team who quickly sprayed me with water to help cool me down & get me out of the plane before I overheated.

Paul McCaw, a member of the OWC support team.

There are moments in your life when you think you made the wrong decision. After lunch, when myself & the 2 support aircraft headed off on our way to check out Kangaroo Island, I struggled to keep cool as I was trying to take off. I was considering turning back but after I got up to 7,500 feet it was much cooler & with my beloved spray bottle, I managed to regulate my body temperature. It was a good learning experience & thank God, the Round Australia Flight will take place at a cooler time of year.

Me flying high to keep cool today over Kangaroo Island.


The view today, looking down over Kangaroo Island.

This afternoon we arrived in 46 degree conditions at Murray Bridge. As you can see in the photo below, there is not much out here at the airport! We were unable to fuel up here so will have to find another airfield tomorrow where fuel is available. When I was flying over Kangaroo Island, I couldn’t work out why my fuel indicator was showing only half, when I landed I discovered a fuel cap had come off & drained half my fuel. Tomorrow, I will need to fix this problem.

The Murray Bridge Airfield


Tomorrow, Day 3, we are off to Ballarat.

More in the blog tomorrow night.

Over & out.


2 thoughts on “Hot, hot, hot, damn hot!”

  1. Ive just been watching the news on Tv channel 2 . the fires in tassie are bad and its so hot in SA, victoria, Tassie its not good there at all. Take care on your journey and fly safe. George and I with the other Mitchelsons we all went to Kangeroo Island 2011 and we had a great time there. The whole of australia badly needs rain. Happy New ear to you and yours.

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