Dave Jacka


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Day 4, our final day of the OWC trial flight

We really enjoyed our final night stay in Ballarat (Vic), especially as I finally got more than 4 hours of sleep. This morning, we had a fantastic breakfast & coffee which gave us all time to chat about what we’ve all learnt from this trial flight & what we’ll need to consider for “the real thing”, starting 29th April.

I’d personally like to thank Gordon’s wife, Bronwynne, who always organises great accommodation for our meetings and trips like this one – she definitely found a great place in Ballarat, perfect for wheelchairs – despite the wide doors in the room, Linda still managed to push me & my wheelchair into the side of the door! 🙂

We traveled by taxi back to the planes this morning at Ballarat airport, & prepared them for the final leg of our trip, back home to Melbourne for Linda & I, and back to Griffith (NSW) for Gordon & Paul. Paul (pictured here) helped me out checking my oil.

Me directing how much oil needs to be added to my plane while Gordon gives further advice. Paul doing all the work.

Linda & I arrived back in Tooradin & then managed to get back to Melbourne in time for our regular Sunday dinner with my family. A BBQ in the backyard on a beautiful warm evening with Zeus, our dog, who sort of missed us (I think my sister Elizabeth must have spoiled him rotten). What a great thing to come home to.

As I write this, I think about why we are going to do this trip that will be exhausting, costly  & so much work. Its because the cause is so important & affects so many people. We want to to raise the publics expectation of what people with disabilities can achieve & provide inspiration for others, whether they have a disability or not to get out & have a go at their own dreams & goals. All this is only possible for me because of all the support from the OWC team & many others who have helped me along the way.

“With an open mind & determination, the impossible becomes possible”.

Over & out.


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