Dave Jacka


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I’m back & ready for new adventures!

It’s been awhile since my last blog. Just over a year! My last blog was on the final day of the On a Wing & a Chair Around Australia Flight.

It took me a couple of months to recover physically and mentally from the gruelling 38 days. Although it was extremely tough, it was an experience of a lifetime. Some of the most memorable times were meeting great characters along the way and receiving messages of support from those who followed.

I had been working on the flight for six years, so when it was completed, it was very strange to not have to think about it. I must admit, I felt a little lost at times!

This year has been very busy, changing roles at work, attending events, talks, developing a new website (hope you like it) and thinking about “What’s next?”

Well, with a hankering need for a small project to work on (I get a little bored), I purchased a kayak and recently completed the modifications that allow me to paddle it independently. I have some ideas for upcoming paddling adventures down a few rivers but that will have to wait until it warms up. Any kayakers out there who are looking for an adventure, let me know!

“Adventure” runs in the blood, a year since the last one, it’s time to do another! The “4 Desert Run”, a new flying trip begins on 2nd June 2014! Check out the route:

4 Desert Run route map. Starting and ending in Tooradin, near Melbourne (VIC).

4 Desert Run route map. Starting and ending in Tooradin, near Melbourne (VIC).

It’s going to be a very challenging but exciting adventure; crossing 4 major deserts and we’ll get the opportunity to explore Lake Eyre, Uluru and the Kimberleys. Stay tuned – the next blog will have more details.

Happy adventuring,


9 thoughts on “I’m back & ready for new adventures!”

  1. You can’t keep a good man down (excuse the pun).
    We will be following your next adventure with interest.

    How is your good wife?

    Safe flying,
    Whitsunday Aero Club Inc.

    1. Hi Stan, hope things are well? Linda is good, we are busy with work, life and getting things organised for the trip.
      Say hi to the guys at the Whitsunday Aero club.
      Looking forward in having you along following the flight.

    1. Hi Alison,
      Its a different adventure to the last, but will be exciting and have lots of challenges for the team.
      Thanks for your support and hope you enjoy the journey.

  2. Hi David and Linda:)
    Great to see your new challenge and your smile:) and the kayak! Thank you so much for the great opportunity and sharing your life with me! Hope I can see you around! Take care and have fun!!!!!!!

    1. Hi Minae, hope all is going well with you? The kayak will be coming out when the weather warms up. Hope to catch up sometime also.
      Cheers Dave

  3. Ive lost contact on facebook , and are you still on it please. I did get one of your caps Fred got it for me please keep in touch . Valerie Mitchelson.

    1. Hi Valerie, hope your well. My Facebook has changed go to “Dave Jacka” and you will find me there. Cheers Dave

  4. hi DAVE J. If you one day come up with an adventure that doesn’t include water ….I may be interested…I’m not much of a water person, but I’m sure something will come along one day ..Would be good to have a number of people involved in whatever it may be…You and I having the same name have at least one thing in common. Your a lot more adventurous than I so it’s nice to see you inspiring so many people….good luck with future projects.

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