Dave Jacka


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Category: Latest News

Ut posuere nisi sit amet purus interdum vitae tempor justo dapibus. In sit amet metus vel libero congue euismod at ac nisl.


The forecast on Wednesday night said patchy cloud with a clearing shower or two in the morning.  I was hoping this was one time they would get the forecast right as I had an important appointment to get to on Thursday afternoon. As I stuck my head out of the motel room door it just […]

Busy, Busy, Busy……

Its been a busy few months, with a nice break to a warmer climate to thaw out for a week.   I did a talk to Trinity Catholic Primary School in May which was a great experience with the kids, but I got a huge surprise not long ago when I received a package from […]

Lots of work done…

We have been busy the last few weeks having the Board of Directors Meeting, putting together the sponsorship proposal template and now we are finally going to potential sponsors. Its been a long road to get this far, but we are getting there at last.   Also we now have our Donation facility on the website […]

Things are moving along….

Its been a pretty busy couple of weeks, getting the Donations link on the website up and putting together the sponsorship proposal with the aim of going to potential sponsors shortly.    But a highlight this week was doing two talks to the garde 5 and 6’s at Trinity Primary School. A friend of mine, Dianna is […]